Sunday, February 24, 2008

#1 Thing on a Stick

O.k. I think I finally am using the right Blogger. Now if I only felt more confident about HOW to use it, and make sure I am posting to the right thing. Earlier thought I already had created a blog, but I something did not seem right ( I was signed up with NING), so I went back and read the directions and signed up for a Google Blogger. I talked to Patricia Post a few days later and she explained that this was correct. She also said there was an area on the Mother Blog to ask for help. I have not located that yet. I think I know which one is the Mother Blog. I also did make an Avatar on Yahoo, but I did not figure out how to transfer it to my Blog. Can anyone tell me how to do that?Anything else I should know? I feel pretty stupid about this. I thought I would have an easier time. I can understand why some of our patrons get so frustrated at times. Robin.

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