Saturday, March 15, 2008

23 Things of a Stick #7 Web 2.0 Communication Tools

1)Productivity Hints. This was good basic information--some of which I already follow. I do like the idea of a Mail Template. I will have to check into that for some of the things I do via e-mail. One of the things that comes to mind is when we get a request via e-mail for obit records. I always e-mail them information about our local museum, and end up typing up all the information about hours, phone numbers, etc. every time. This would save me time!
2a)Video. This was interesting. I think this would work very well for a college setting. Virtually all college students use IM so it is a great way to communicate with them in a way they are comfortable with. I have used IM several times before--talking to my kids. chatting to fellow classmates in a course of studies I am studying. I'm not sure how it work at my individual library at this time. We do not have the staff time to deal with it, and I'm don't think we have a high number of IM patrons to warrant staff using this as a communication tool with them. I could possibly see it as a tool to use with librarians from other neighboring libraries or back up reference at our headquarters library.
2b)Journal article. I like the definition of IM as "sped up e-mail transaction". That is exactly what it is. I will try to remember that definition when I am explaining it to patrons who have questions about it. Sometimes I think e-mail is just fine--it is usually fast enough.
I do think it could enhance reference services between our headquarter library and the branches.
2c) I installed MSN IM because that is the e-mail I use the most. I do not have anyone else in my building who is doing 23 Things or would want to IM me, so I tried in with my son in college.
3a)video. I liked the visual demonstration--it "clicks" with me. I am an auditory learner 1st, and a visual learner second, so it works for me. I could see how it might work for a patron.
3b) I realize to best serve our population libraries have to adapt to the needs and desires of our patrons. I never thought about patrons getting their library notices via text message from their cell phone. Librarian's do have some creative, wonderful ideas sometimes. It sounds like this has worked well in the U.K. Will that be the way of the future in the U.S.? I can see it really working well for college students. We will have to see if is something that will work for the public libraries. Being in a rural library system we usually "follow" what the cities libraries do eventually (if it is a good idea). They have more staff time and money for resources.
3c) I do not have a colleague to text message, so I tried the phone number on the u-tube video. It did not take too long to get a response. Interesting

1 comment:

PatriciaP said...

Hey library lady,
Good thoughtful posts and I am sorry no one else in your building is doing the program. Those that can work in informal groups are having a great time, but it appears you are too. You are moving right along. Don't know if you remember, but the deadline to earn the incentive prize is April 16th. The program will remain online indefinitely though.....

Patricia -